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One of the things I love to do is watch my favorite shows on Hulu. I don’t watch a ton of TV generally, but there are a couple shows (Bones, Hell’s Kitchen) that I like. Hulu is a free site that lets you “subscribe” to any of their shows and watch them whenever you want. It keeps track and saves a queue of new episodes too. Did I mention this was free? Sure, you have to watch a few seconds of commercials now and then, but nowhere near the 5 minutes you’ll spend watching them on TV for every few minutes of show.

I like watching on my computer because I can plug in my headphones and watch. Then I can pause to look something up, or whatever, and come back to it when I’m ready. Another thing I like is having a whole season (or more) of the show I’m watching, so I can have a marathon if I want, or catch up on something newly discovered. There’s lots of old shows and movies too whenever there’s nothing new in my queue.

Now, back to Hell’s Kitchen…I’ve got three episodes saved up, and the kids are down for naps!

Link: Hulu.


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