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cute pictures of puppies with captions
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funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures

Gotta love that picture! I just love the way dogs seem to know when you just need a hug. There is something about soft fur and a panting tongue that can just bring back the sunshine.

Getting ready to attend the site warming party for Mom’s Most Wanted.

Moms Most Wanted Twitter Site Warming Party

I just love the concept of a twitter party to help drive traffic to a new site. (or an old one, really…) There are prizes and lots of new people to chat with, blogs to read and tons of new tweets to follow!

This party will be hosted by Resourceful Mommy.


Sadly I’m having issues with getting their buttons to show in my sidebar…but I’ll keep fiddling with it.

Now, if only Twitter wasn’t locking up right now, we could get started!

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

I attended my second #gno last night and enjoyed it immensely. Hosted by Mom It Forward, #gno is a “girl’s night out” twitter event where moms all over the bloggverse get together and chat about a pre-selected topic.

Last night’s topic was about reviewing products on your blog, disclosure of payment or freebies associated with the reviews, and how to keep your own voice through the process. I found the topic very interesting. So far I’ve only “reviewed” products that my family uses, and have not contacted or been contacted by the companies associated with those products. I was interested to learn that I could approach those companies myself, if I wanted to, and once started I wouldn’t have to review anything I didn’t actually use or like if I didn’t want to.

I’ve considered the idea of doing these types of reviews before. (eventually anyway, once I’ve been blogging a bit longer) My biggest concern was always keeping to the spirit of my blog. It’s my space, my thoughts and my opinion…not something I would want controlled by anyone else. Last night the same concerns were raised by other bloggers, and the panelists agreed that those were valid concerns to have. They talked about saying no to companies or products, and keeping with the “feel” of your blog, not selling out just to get a freebie.

Companies are starting to realize that bloggers have influence in the consumer market, and the smart ones are reaching out to take advantage of that advertising. This relationship between bloggers and companies is still in the early stages for the most part. Not all companies are interested, and not all know what to do with the bloggers once they have made contact. But I think there is a lot of potential here, even at the current stage of development. Bloggers (especially mom bloggers in my opinion) can make a real difference by promoting what they find to be healthy, economical, useful and otherwise good products.

The topic of negative reviews came up as well. There were a variety of opinions, but for me personally I really connected with those who said that they were honest about products they chose to reviews, but they would contact a company about their product and any problems they found with it rather than writing a nasty or overly negative review. Companies need that feedback, and changes can be made without having to make a big fuss about it. Obviously if there is something out there that is dangerous or that a company isn’t willing to change then others need to know about it, but it’s about approach and tact. At least as far as I’m concerned.

When a negative review is called for…the power that bloggers have is immense. The networks in place between bloggers ensure that word will spread very quickly in all sorts of directions. It’s a power that should be taken seriously, and handled with care.

funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more dog and puppy pictures


1. Apples are to oranges as soup is to sandwiches. My kids like both but always seem to want the opposite of each other!

2. Someone better remember what Sunday is! And that’s all I have to say about that.

3. I think I hear a little one yawning. Must be nap time!

4. New Mail flag.

5. Do what you want to do, but I think pizza sounds good for dinner.

6. Along came Alex and behind him was a Radio Flyer wagon; in the wagon was a bucket filled with the rocks from my front landscaping.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to going to Curves, tomorrow my plans include shopping and Sunday, I want to have breakfast in bed!

ten on tuesday

Today was one of those awesome days when you find a ton of new websites and cool blogs that you’d never seen before. Suddenly I have quite a few new entries in my blogroll! Since one of the things I found was the 10 on Tuesday meme…I think I’ll make a 10 things post today with “blogs to follow” as the theme.

1. Little Birdhouse
Written by a friend of mine, this blog covers a variety of topics and is always full of useful links and ideas.

2. Mom it Forward
More of a community than a blog I guess, but a great read none the less.

3. Living with Lindsay
Found this via a “teach me tuesday” link – today’s “high 5 garden” entry was an awesome read! The kids and I planted seeds a couple weeks ago and they love counting the new sprouts.

4. Ten on Tuesday
The inspiration for this post…I found the various topics from past weeks interesting, and the answering replies as well!

5. XboxWife
Another result from the ten things tuesday search, this blog is a fun read.

6. GoodNCrazy Mom of all trades, Jack of none.
I haven’t had a chance to dig as deeply into this blog as I would like, but it’s great so far!

7. Bookbabie
This blogger posted my very first comment here on Curious Little Muse – I’ve been reading her ever since!

8. Should Be Reading
A book blog – and host of another meme I just might have to join, “Tuesday Teasers.”

9. Books on the Brain
Found this blog in one of my “see who’s following who on twitter” adventures.

10. 5 Minutes for Books
Another community/blog site. I’m always eager to find good books to read, so there are a lot of great book sites on my blogroll!


I'm relaunching my blog from my brand new iPad! Stay tuned for lots of new content!


Sites and Communities

Clicks for A Cause…

  • The Breast Cancer Site